Monday, July 27, 2009

Swine Flu

The fear of Swine Flu entering schools is increasing as the return on school approaches many student and teachers. According to NSW health, "there have been 3,648 confirmed cases of swine flu and a total of 17 people have died from swine flu." It is important for parents and teachers to work together as school approaches for the fall to avoid an increase in swine flu among the students. Schools play an important role when teaching children how to maintain a good hygiene and and how to understand the ways to minimize the spread of infections. This summer there have been hundreds of children sent home from overnight camps because of the rapid increase of swine flu like symptoms. Number of officials think that the number of swine flu like symptoms that have been seen in camps across the U.S. this summer is just a preview of what is going to partake in elementary and secondary schools and for students that are moving into dormitories. Health officials are predicting the increase of the flu in the fall with the U.S. population having to wait until long after the start of school for the treatment of swine flu to exist. Schools districts and universities are working towards ways to alert the public on swine flu before the school year approaches. They are going to to this by holding education campaigns with updated statistics, discuss worst-case scenarios, and how to prevent these worst-case scenarios. "School closures would occur only by order of the superintendent or the county health department and only if so many children were sick that it was impractical to keep classes running," said Dr. Kimberly Uyeda, director of student medical services at the Los Angeles Unified School District. Many campuses are stocking up on supplies like paper masks, hand sanitizer, food, and water. After many camps were cancelled and had to send campers home the increase of Tami flu among the campers increased. Many campers were required to bring Tami flu and this might be something that is seen in schools if swine flue continues. Schools are educating students on how to properly cough and sneeze so it does not spread bacteria. How to prevent the spread of the virus in schools can be educated, however it is important to take personal responsibility and take care of your hygiene.

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