Does gender effect education in boys. Their is some arguement that boys struggle more than girls in education. However, I think that if is someone is having trouble in school it is not related to their gender but it is because they are having difficulty in school or that the school that they are attending needs to be innovated. According to the issue, Is There a Crisis in the Education of Boys, “Sara Mead, a senior policy analyst at Education Sector in Washington, D.C., assembles long-term data from the federally sponsored National Assessment of Educational Progress to show that the “crisis” emphasis is unwarranted and detracts from broader social justice issues” (Noll, 2009, 15th ed., pp. 286-287). If boys are seen struggling more than girls in schools it is not because of their gender. For them to succeed academically they need to make sure the boys are placed in classrooms where they can focus and make a change in their academics if they are behind. The 2000 Annual Report of School Safety shows that the innovation of a safe school is important and states that “The Safe School environment and Safe School policies elements help provide a friendly, emotionally secure environment. Technology and security devices provide an array of services to students, families, and faculty, in a safe secure environment” (Riley & Reno, 2000). With safe schools and the right innovations in schools students will have the opportunity to be in an environment that is success friendly. Gender is not the reason students do not succeed in school it is a personal work ethic and being in a school friendly environment will encourage students to succeed.